Thursday, August 16, 2007


Just a quick post because I'm on my second homemade traditional margarita, Robert is teaching me how to make them. ahhhhh, the typos will abound. We are working on his website and his Squidoo lens.... shhhhh! not ready yet!
I am excited because I love the computer... I love photoshop and the web and communticating with a huge group of geeks like myself, and I am initiating him. He doesn't copy paste with keystrokes!!! gah! Frankly, he never knew about it all.... I don't think... he says I have mad game skills whipping about in photoshop and dreamweaver... Yay! mad skills!
Well, when we unveil, you, my gentle readers, will be the first to know! wheee! More margarita! did I spell that right? why oh why doesn't blogger have spellcheck...or does it and I don't know?

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