Got up, got outta bed, dragged a comb across my head….
6:45- cleaned coffee maker (cause Robert never does and it’s a STUPID design and the built in grinder gets clogged everytime you use it)
Dry coffee grinder parts so they will clog less this time, very annoying…
Made coffee
Made oatmeal
Eat oatmeal while composing three emails to my director at the community college about not teaching this summer, changing a student’s grade and the broken torch that needs replacing.
7:20 shower
dry hair
start car so it can warm while I grab a travel cup o joe
run out to studio to grab last minute things for work: rubber cement, double stick tape, examples, etc.
grab purse and stuff get in car
8:30 drive to school
8:45 wait in line at parking deck, park car
briskly walk four blocks
dash into directors office, he’s in a meeting, shake hands with new secretary and try to find audit forms, no luck
dash into women’s room
run by registrar’s window. Great! no line. “Hi, I need audit forms? couldn’t find any in the Humanities office” Yeah, yeah, I know their due today the night instructor didn’t have enough…gotta run”
Just in time! Clock must be wrong….
9:04 Take roll
Review yesterday, introduce patinas, Mix up new pickle, show how to light the torch work individually with each student so they know how to light torch, problem solve, answer questions, explain pickle, show how to use it.
10:50 Dismiss class
run to ladies room
11:04 Take roll, do all of the above over again for different people.
12:50 Forge the night instructors signature on audit form
go upstairs ask registrar what to do about missing info about night student on audit form.
call night student? Dang! phone got left at home plugged into charger.
Go by Humanities office to get a fax number to call student and give her fax number when I get home so she can deal with it. New fabulous Humanities secretary looks up students info and number, Hoorah! Forge students name (with her permission).
Meet with Humanities director to change a student’s grade from last semester. Fill out that form and turn it in, along with audit forms (this time there’s a line)
1: 30? go by The Golden Gallery borrow their fax machine to fax info to art retreat organizer that is long overdue. Chat with Mary Ellen a minute or two.
2:00 Home! I’m starving!
Call night student tell her I took care of her form. We talk for 15+ minutes. Plan to watch a movie together.
2:20 Grad school buddy from PA beeps in….
Oops private student buddy beeps in simultaneously!
Put one on hold.
Take off one hold, “Can I call you back?”
Talk with PA buddy about future of her career. Swaps stories, commiserate.
Someone else beeps in, I ignore it.
I look out the window, “Dang! I forgot my pal that wants a logo for his business is here to meet with me! Can I call you back?”
Meet with knifesmith pal about his new business and proposed logo he wants me to draw in exchange for teaching me to use an electro etcher and getting one going in my studio.
3:30? Robert comes by after kayaking and before work.
3:45? Call ECU about visiting artist gig with them Feb 4th.
4:00 Call private student back discuss tomorrow’s session.
Someone beeps in, I ignore it.
4:30 It was mom, “Hey Mom” “Where are you? I thought you were coming by at 2?” “Uh…… on my way”
5:00 Still no lunch, now there’s no time for dinner. I’ll eat when I get back. Grab cold corn muffin from last night.
Run out to car.
5:05 Car won’t start…
I’d left the lights on from leaving the parking deck hours ago.
5:08 Call Dad, “I’m not coming…”
Oh well, guess I’ll go work on the logo and/or enamel work for Adorn Me….
Hm, 20 emails to return in the home box, 2 in the school box, two in my faculty box and 7 voicemail messages.
6:30 I need a drink… oh wait, I can’t! it gives me migraines!
Or maybe the migraines are from all these darn hats I wear!
And I don’t get a whopping bonus like the bank dudes in the news… or even a parking space for the car I borrow from Robert!
6:25 Internet goes down… Gr! I wanted to look up the hotel to make a reservation for my next teaching gig!
logo’s not working out….. it just looks wrong.
6:45 My whole neck is tensing up
6:46 I rethink the whole drink idea.
Internet's back....
Ahhhhhh ahhhhhh Ahhhhhhhh
I read the news today, oh boy…..