STILL moving.... it never ends. We moved the household, took about two weeks, and I had to maintain everything else during all that, like submitting to retreats, teaching private lessons, my part time job. Now I have painted my new work space and hung a few shelves and moved a few things that I could lift by myself. In the midst of it all, on the 31st of July, the head of Humanities emailed and said,"I know its short notice but the college is moving you out of E, four blocks away to the basement of A building. You'll have to pack up the metals studio for the move." So Meredith (bless her) helped me inventory and pack the whole CFCC metals studio for two days last week! Classes start next week! I have to go down there and UNpack on friday. So tonight its back to my studio, so I can finish packing and Robert and I can hopefully move the rest tomorrow.....sigh. To anyone who's wondered where I went, I'm still here just living in a sea of boxes.